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NLP Practitioner Programme video series
Introduction to the NLP Practitioner Programme video series
Introduction to the Course
Module 1, day 1: Foundations of NLP
About Day 1
Introduction to the Communication Model (14:09)
Perception Exercise: List 12 things (1:37)
Perception Exercise 3: Sensory Preferences (21:40)
Preferred Senses ('Representational Systems') continued (19:29)
Internal Processes (7:22)
The interview story - how internal pictures, sounds, self talk affect how we ‘tick’ - footage from live training (14:23)
History of NLP (18:47)
Influencing Language part 1 - the 'When' word (11:23)
Develop a Walk with 'Grace & Power' (11:08)
Understanding 'State' - the Mercedes Model (13:08)
Perception Exercise 1: What did you notice? (3:36)
Perception Exercise 2: How many shared? (7:41)
Recap, the story so far .... (3:29)
What is Neuro Linguistic Programming (4:01)
Module 1, day 2: NLP and Effectiveness
About Day 2 (2:06)
3 Legs of Effectiveness (7:12)
Successful Change (17:09)
Outcome Setting (26:04)
Circle of Concern vs Circle of Influence (22:11)
Submodality Changes (57:14)
Rapport (26:07)
Module 2, day 1: About Learning, Sensory Acuity, and Change Techniques
What we covered so far (8:30)
About Day 3
About Learning (1) -The Learning Cycle (2:51)
About Learning (2) - Conscious - Unconscious Competence (6:42)
About Learning (3) - The Esteeming Strategy (14:33)
Sensory 'Acuity', Eye Accessing patterns, and 'mind reading' (44:07)
More about Rapport: Content Level Rapport and 'Predicates' (16:29)
Improve performance with Mental Rehearsal - the 'New Behaviour Generator' (17:14)
Perceptual Positions for relationship issues - introduction (18:33)
Module 2, day 4: Change techniques, and Time
About Day 4
Content, Day 4 (1:53)
Influencing Language part 2 (15:31)
Perceptual Positions continued (19:04)
Perceptual Positions debrief (4:57)
The Target Model (8:40)
Anchoring (21:30)
Techniques and the Mercedes Model (1:32)
The 'Alphabet Edit' - a bit of brain gym! (20:06)
Making Sense of Time & Timelines (38:36)
Creating a 'Compelling Future' Exercise (19:45)
Course handbook
Handouts to go!
Module 3 - The Meta Model
Module 3 - The Meta Model
Setting the Scene
Foundation Diploma recap in 10 (10:20)
Practitioner Programme Content (8:44)
Practitioner Requirements (11:12)
Setting the Scene
Meta Model Module Overview and Contents
Overview and Contents (1:39)
Chunking (25:25)
Levels of Thinking
Levels of Thinking (18:56)
From 'Deep Structure' to 'Surface Structure' - Transformational Grammar
Life Savings Story (4:23)
Reference Experience Exercises (3:03)
From Deep Structure to Surface Structure - Explaining Deletion, Distortion and Generalisation (19:07)
Introduction to Deletion (1:08)
Categories of Deletion: Missing out the who or what, the how, and comparisons (6:23)
More Deletion: Introducing 'Nominalisations' (9:49)
Spot the Nominalisation Exercise (4:45)
Case study: "They are out to get me at work .... " (5:46)
Generalisations: all or nothing thinking, can'ts, shoulds / oughts (7:05)
The kitchen bin story: an everyday tale of domestic Distortion (5:21)
Introduction to Distortion (2:22)
'Complex Equivalence' (10:34)
More on Distortions (3:43)
Cause - Effect, Mind Reading, Judgements and Presupposition (9:22)
The Meta Model
Meta Model Overview
Using Meta Model Questions
Meta Model Questions for Deletions (1) - who, what, how, and comparisons (6:26)
Meta Model Questions for Deletions (2) - responding to 'Nominalisations' (5:09)
Meta Model Questions for Generalisations (13:58)
Meta Model Questions for Distortions (1) - responding to 'Complex Equivalence' (9:26)
Meta Model Questions for Distortions (2) - Cause Effect, Mind Reading & Judgements (11:55)
Tips for using Meta Model Questions
Resources and References
Module 4 - Trance and Metaphor
Module 4 - Trance and Metaphor
The Learning Cycle
Introduction and the Learning Cycle (4:27)
Module Overview
Trance & Metaphor Module - Overview and Content (12:00)
Trance and Conscious our Conscious - Unconscious Minds
The Conscious and Unconscious Minds (13:15)
Trance & Brainwave frequencies (12:11)
Story - 'The Littlest God' (3:11)
Naturally Occurring Trances (8:37)
The Instant Calmness Technique (4:18)
Trance and the Milton Model (25:17)
Introduction to the Unconscious (6:18)
Exercises with Trance
Exercises with Trance (1) - Pacing Current Experience (12:21)
Exercises with Trance (2) - Artfully Vague Language & 'Revivification' (13:05)
Exercises with Trance (3) - Reframing & Integration (29:01)
Logical Levels
Logical Levels (41:31)
Walking Logical Levels technique (17:18)
Working with Metaphors
About Metaphor
Simple Life Metaphors (14:15)
Creating Therapeutic stories (33:03)
Module 5 - Time and Timelines
Module 5 - Time and Timelines
Time & Timelines Module - Overview and Content
Module Overview and Content (17:40)
About 'Time'
About 'Time' (26:38)
Story: The Precious Present (15:50)
Exploring 'Timelines' (12:42)
Exploring Timelines - debrief and discussion (6:20)
Time Based Emotions
Working with Time Based Emotions (18:04)
The Dynamind Technique
The Dynamind Technique (21:57)
Working with Phobias
The Nature of Phobias, and the Fast Phobia Cure (14:33)
Fast Phobia Cure Demonstration (14:28)
'The Nature of Negative Emotions: like pans scrubs and beads on a string'
Negative Emotions: like pans scrubs and beads on a string' (30:16)
Release Negative Emotion on a Timeline Technique: Explanation (17:55)
Release Negative Emotion on a Timeline Technique: demonstration (18:05)
Walking Timeline Approaches
Walking Timeline Approaches (7:08)
Walking Timelines: practice exercise (7:09)
Change Personal History Technique: Explanation (7:28)
'Change Personal History: demonstration (13:15)
Language and Time
Language and Time
Module 6 - Advanced Anchoring
Module 6 - Advanced Anchoring
Advanced Anchoring Module - Overview and Content
Overview and Content' (11:52)
New Lecture
'Spatial Anchoring' Techniques
Circle of Excellence (9:17)
What do we mean by 'a problem'? (13:19)
'A Piece of Cake' (17:34)
Collapsing Anchors
Collapsing Anchors: explanation (7:36)
Collapsing Anchors: demonstration (27:33)
Good Guiding with NLP
Distinguishing 'Problem Types' (11:06)
Good Guiding with NLP - the Target Model Revisited
Module 7 - Modelling
Module 7 - Modelling
Mid Course Review and Discussion
Mid Course Review and Discussion (34:44)
Modelling Module: Overview and Content
Modelling Module: Overview and Content (7:49)
Introduction to Modelling
Introduction to Modelling (7:32)
Modelling External Behaviour
Modelling External Behaviour: Fine Physiology (6:38)
Modelling External Behaviour: Gross Physiology (13:44)
Modelling Internal Thinking
Modelling Beliefs & Values (16:21)
Modelling Thinking Strategies (18:21)
More Approaches to Modelling
MetaProgrammes, and Symbolic Modelling' (19:17)
Applying Modelling
Using Thinking Strategies - Confident Job Application (28:02)
Spelling Strategy and the T.O.T.E . (27:02)
Modelling with the Mercedes Model (11:44)
The Swish Technique
The Swish Technique: explanation (11:33)
The Swish technique - demonstration (13:01)
Designer Swish and discussion (6:53)
Module 8 - Parts
Module 8 - Parts
Parts Module - Overview and Content
Parts Module - Overview and Content (8:59)
Disney Creativity Strategy
Introduction to Disney Creativity Strategy (36:55)
Disney Creativity Strategy technique & demonstration (25:14)
Introduction to Parts
Introducing 'Parts' (8:38)
Story: 'the Japanese Soldier' (3:54)
Working with Parts (1:56)
Accessing your Creative Part exercise (6:10)
Parts Techniques
'6 Step Reframe' explanation (7:28)
'6 Step Reframe' - demonstration (14:11)
Core Transformations and Clean Language (23:40)
'Parts Integration' technique - explanation (7:06)
'Parts Integration' technique - demonstration (15:11)
Successful Meetings
Successful Meetings Strategy (22:16)
Sort Categories
Sort Categories (19:37)
Module 9 - Beliefs
Module 9 - Beliefs
Beliefs Module - Overview and Content
Beliefs Module - Overview and Content (7:43)
Core and Choice at Work
Core and Choice at Work (11:45)
About Beliefs
About Beliefs (33:36)
Beliefs and Belief Systems
Belief Systems (15:03)
'Identifying Belief Systems about Goals - Belief Assessment Worksheet' (11:33)
Identifying Beliefs Systems over Time - S.C.O.R.E. (4:33)
S.C.O.R.E. - demonstration (13:16)
Working with Limiting Beliefs
Organic Belief Change / 'Museum of Old Beliefs' - Explanation and Technique (14:52)
Considerations when Working with Limiting Beliefs (13:03)
Organic Belief Change / Museum of Old Beliefs - demonstration (18:32)
Timeline Re-imprinting - explanation and technique (24:12)
Timeline Reimprinting - demonstration (17:21)
Bonus 1 - Practitioner Handouts to Go
Bonus 1: Practitioner handouts to Go
Practitioner handouts - to Go.
Handouts to Go
Bonus 2 - Presupposition Compendium
Bonus 2: The Presupposition Compendium
What are NLP Presuppositions?
What are Presuppositions
A little about NLP
The NLP Presuppositions
About the Presupposition Compendium
About the NLP 'Presupposition Compendium'
Presupposition Tools and Resources
Random Presupposition Generator
Presuppositions Exercise with cards
'Curiosity' track - Music and Presuppositions for background learning: Audio MP3 Download 1
Presupposition Affirmations in trance - audio MP3 download
Printable Presupposition Cards
Using presupposition cards - examples from education (6:12)
For more information, and to learn more ....
For info about live training
Online training
Self Help audio resources
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More about Rapport: Content Level Rapport and 'Predicates'
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