Understanding Difference: See, Hear, Feel Preferences
We are as different on the inside as we look different on the outside, but because we cant see the difference on the inside, many of us assume everyone thinks like me, or they should do because it's 'common sense'.
NLP offers a number of ways of understanding how we are different psychologically, which can help us understand difference and be more tolerant. One is the idea that we have preferences for which senses we pay more attention to. When we respect, and work with each others preferences, we become more understanding, and communicate better.
There is more about Understanding Difference in
- 'Practical Wellbeing', section3
- 'NLP Foundations course', day 1
- 'Introduction to T.A. (Transactional Analysis)'
- 'Making Sense of Kids Behaviour with Schema'
- 'Understanding Values with Spiral Dynamics & NLP'
The second clip, an extract from live training, explains more about the impact of our preferred senses, or preferred 'Representational System'